cover image: Urgent calls for WATER in Gaza  - Urgent calls for help


Urgent calls for WATER in Gaza - Urgent calls for help

20 Oct 2023

But October 17, 2023 the resource has dwindled as hundreds of thou- sands of Palestinians were forced to flee to the The consequences of the Israe- strip of land during the “Nakba” in 1948. [...] to people or attacking drinking water systems is prohibited under International Humanitarian So too were the hundreds of thousands of cases Law (IHL), which specifically protects objects of both cholera and diahrea linked to the quality indispensable to the survival of the civilian po- of drinking water in Basrah, Iraq, by 2017 – and pulation. [...] The rules have base of evidence for – and foreseeability of – also progressed through the growing base of le- these links between damaged water systems and gal frameworks addressing the protection of the spread of disease increases with time, as the environment and of freshwater resources and when one party to a conflict controls the terri- related installations, not to mention the Human tory of a. [...] Following the laws of war is crucial to retaining compassion amid the fog of war, and to ending the cycle of violence. [...] The greater the amount of clean of the population – are not connected to a water water that is available, the greater the ability to network.



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