cover image: Sustaining Success: Investing in Showing Up - Attendance Awareness Campaign 2023 ⎯ Webinar 4 of 4


Sustaining Success: Investing in Showing Up - Attendance Awareness Campaign 2023 ⎯ Webinar 4 of 4

3 Oct 2023

© 16 Rather than taking a punitive approach, we must understand that the continued high levels of chronic absence reflect that positive conditions for learning are missing for too many students © 17 Prioritize outreach and engagement with groups that have the highest rates of chronic absence and largest number of chronically absent students so you ca. [...] © 38 Tell us about the research showing the effectiveness of LEAP The Center for Connecticut Education Research Collaboration (CCERC) conducted the largest most robust study ever completed of a home visit program. [...] How do school nurses in Yakima support attendance? Slide 23: Who We Are Slide 24: School Nurses (typical roles) Slide 25: Yakima School District Nurses Slide 26: What research show the impact of school nursing on attendance? Slide 27: Research Supports School Nurses Slide 28: What supports effective implementation? Slide 29: What support is needed for effective implementation Slide 30: How does Wa. [...] Slide 39 Slide 40 Slide 41 Slide 42: What supports effective implementation of LEAP? Slide 43 Slide 44: What Supports Effective Implementation of LEAP?? Slide 45: How has this work been taken to scale in Connecticut and what has made that possible? Slide 46 Slide 47 Slide 48 Slide 49 Slide 50: Tell us about Johnstown. [...] What is the Success Mentor program, and how does it operate? Slide 51 Slide 52: How do you know that success mentors helped improved attendance? Slide 53 Slide 54 Slide 55 Slide 56: What has supported effective implementation? Slide 57 Slide 58 Slide 59 Slide 60 Slide 61: How are you sustaining this work? Slide 62: Q & A Slide 63: Key Resource: Attendance Awareness Website Slide 64: 2023 Count Us.


Aaron Dworkin

Published in
United States of America
