cover image: Protected characteristics and infrastructure: social research to inform the National


Protected characteristics and infrastructure: social research to inform the National

27 Sep 2023

They want to see more of a staff presence and better managing of behaviour to feel safe “The Government obviously need to do a heck of a lot for people to leave the cars using public transport. [...] They have to improve the networks, they have to improve the trains, they have to improve the buses, Older people are often more skeptical about the scale of change needed maybe bringing the price down or to upgrade the public transport system. [...] Recent research by the University of Manchester On the other hand, younger people are more found that the complexity and inconsistency of likely to express confusion and frustration over recycling infrastructure across the UK can act as what can and cannot be recycled, and anger at a barrier to recycling. [...] Government have the power to ‘set the Many also point to more sustainable However, there is acknowledgement tone’ by encouraging producers to do methods of packaging and product that the public have a role to play and more in this area and making it easier restoration used in the past as evidence the current burden to tackle waste on for the public to recycle. [...] There are multiple dimensions to the digital divide, including: access to data, the skills and knowledge to use technology and handle updates to it, confidence that it is safe and secure to use, and money to pay for the connection and technology which enables it to form part of our everyday lives.
Published in
United Kingdom
