cover image: Multimorbidity and care for hypertension, diabetes and HIV among older adults in rural South Africa


Multimorbidity and care for hypertension, diabetes and HIV among older adults in rural South Africa

1 Jan 2019

Regression models were fitted to assess the relationship between the type of multimorbidity and progression along the care continuum and the likelihood of patients being in each stage of care for the index condition (four stages from testing to treatment). [...] Multimorbidity and the care continuum, South Africa Methods Box 1. Definitions of conditions in the study of multimorbidity and the care continuum Study design in Agincourt sub-district, South Africa We analysed cross-sectional data from Index conditions patients enrolled in the Health and Hypertension was defined as either mean systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg and mean Aging in Africa: a Longit [...] For people with HIV, we of out-of-pocket health expenditure for for hypertension in relation to the pres- considered any of the other conditions patients is incurred for transport, care- ence of different types of either concor- as discordant. [...] For people with hypertension, of the prevalence of the three index For this analysis, we studied three index we categorized other cardiometabolic conditions as well as the prevalence of conditions: (i) hypertension; (ii) diabe- conditions (dyslipidaemia, diabetes and concordant and discordant conditions Bull World Health Organ 2019;97:10–23| doi: 11 Research [...] Multimorbidity and the care continuum, South Africa Table 4. Odds of progression through stages in the care continuum for patients with hypertension, diabetes and HIV infection and concordant or discordant multimorbidity in Agincourt sub-district, South Africa, November 2014 to November 2015 Index condition Stage of care reached Tested (all patients) Tested (among Know status (among Ever treated (


Chang, Angela Y, Gómez-Olivé, F Xavier, Manne-Goehler, Jennifer, Wade, Alisha N, Tollman,, Stephen, Gaziano, Thomas A, Salomon, Joshua A

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