cover image: FIFTY YEARS OF FAILURE - The International Monetary Fund, Debt and Austerity in Africa


FIFTY YEARS OF FAILURE - The International Monetary Fund, Debt and Austerity in Africa

10 Oct 2023

It is important to understand The power of the IMF has resurged since the the coloniality of the IMF and World Bank, which COVID-19 pandemic, and it is now inserting itself into were created before most African countries were responses to the climate crisis and the channelling independent and which have voting structures that of climate finance. [...] We, the nurses, are at risk of cross-infection as we live, eat and do everything in the hospice because we don’t have nurses’ quarters.” Compounded with her exposure to viruses and bacteria, the inability to be present in the lives of her three children because of the workload at the health unit, she is unable to adequately provide for her family because of her low wage. [...] This limited inclusion and transparency through the increased tax rates and real-time in the management of debt has left room for tax collections, there are concerns that the corruption and mismanagement of borrowed funds Finance Act 2023 sets Kenya on a trajectory of at the expense of the public who end up being high cost of living where the gap between the responsible for repaying the acquired d. [...] The existing this is to show how the proposed privatization is part bill will seriously reduce public engagement and of the neoliberal agenda imposed by the IMF and parliamentary oversight, giving excessive powers to World Bank, limiting the role of the state in service the Cabinet Secretary, the National Treasury and a delivery particularly in essential services such as newly established Privatiz. [...] Whilst the government remains committed to education, with the share of the budget Compliance to the IMF targets will require the being spent on education projected to rise from Zambian government to reduce its expenditure, 10.5 percent in 2022 to 13.9 percent in 2023 and 15 with many regressive structural benchmarks that percent in 2024,xviii this still falls short of the UNESCO will disproportio.
Published in
South Africa

