cover image: POLICY BRIEF The policy case for a tailor-made indicator of sustainable development


POLICY BRIEF The policy case for a tailor-made indicator of sustainable development

11 Mar 2012

It conceptualises the three been acknowledged as the way forward spheres of sustainable development – the since the United Nations Conference on the economy, society and the environment – as Human Environment in 1972. [...] The approach promoted by the NSSD AND EVALUATION FRAMEWORK suggests the need to augment GDP growth as the Monitoring and evaluating progress towards primary development indicator by human well-being sustainability, as well as performance, has become a and ecological sustainability markers, and paves the priority for many nations, along with the social and way for establishing a monitoring and eval. [...] This approach, developed by Since its conception, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) the Department of Performance Monitoring and has been the main indicator used to measure Evaluation, a dedicated department created in 2010 economic activity and characterise the success or in the Presidency, identifies the goals to reach, the failure of an economy. [...] include the seminal World Bank publication Where is the Wealth of Nations? Measuring Capital in the 21st The 12 Outcomes approach relies on the definition of Century (World Bank, 2006), French President Nicolas a “dashboard” – a set of indicators that captures the Sarkozy’s Commission on the Measurement of complexity and multidimensionality of sustainability, Economic Performance and Social Progre. [...] The relevance of the ANS varies from country MANAGEMENT AND to country as it depends on what is counted (the SUSTAINABILITY INDICATORS different forms of capital) and on the prices used to Assessing if the economy is on a sustainable path count and aggregate in a context of imperfect or suggests using a multi-dimensional and stock-based non-existent valuation by markets.


janet wilhelm

Published in
South Africa