cover image: Aligning_formal_education_and_skills_development_for_industrial_development



31 May 2018

The NDP emphasises the importance of education and skills acquisition at all levels of qualifications and the need to have a clear linkage between education and training and world of work. [...] One of the challenges captured in IPAP9, and previous iterations, is the skills shortage and mismatch between available skills and industry demands in order for the economy to realise growth and higher employment. [...] Korea, by following the Confucius6 (551–479 BC), ensured that the level of education and training in the country became of the highest order such to ensure that development and growth are driven by the most educated in the government and society at large. [...] In China, the government formulated a strategy to develop human resources through the Outline of the National Plan for Medium- and Long-term Scientific and Technological Development (2006- 2020), the Outline of the National Plan for Medium- and Long-term Human Resources Development (2010-2020). [...] 10 A supply-driven approach to skills planning and delivery, as well as the poor interpretation and measurement of medium-to-long term skills demand, have persisted under the National Skills Development Strategy for 2005 – 2011 and the decentralised skills delivery system, through the Skills Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) 11 | P a g e Source:, CONCLUSION Successfu.



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South Africa