cover image: An equity dashboard to monitor vaccination coverage


An equity dashboard to monitor vaccination coverage

1 Feb 2017

In this article, we explain the rationale for the recommendations and for the development of an improved equity monitoring tool. [...] In particular, we propose the use of a data international community to prioritize the needs and rights of display tool – the equity dashboard – to monitor inequalities the most vulnerable, so that no one is left behind.1 Some popu- and support decision-making in the SDG period. [...] The purpose lation groups in low- and middle-income countries continue of this article is to explain the rationale for the recommenda- to be systematically missed by lifesaving health interventions, tions and for developing the equity dashboard. [...] The index addresses the concept inequalities in the receipt of the third population samples into five groups, of systematic exposure to multiple bur- dose of diphtheria–tetanus–pertussis- each containing about 20% of all house- dens, an approach which is neglected by containing vaccine (DTP3) and measles- holds, the number of individuals in each traditional measures of socioeconomic containing vac [...] To avoid confusing moral cally applied to wealth quintiles and of the levels of inequality.23,28 significance with statistical significance, consists of measuring the difference in We also found that comparisons of this benchmark requires adequate coverage between the richest (Q5) and the level of inequality across countries sample sizes to achieve precise estimates.
policy & practice theme issue


Arsenault, Catherine, Harper, Sam, Nandi, Arijit, Rodríguez, José M Mendoza, Hansen, Peter M, Johri, Mira

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