cover image: Mumps and mumps vaccine: a global review.


Mumps and mumps vaccine: a global review.


In the USA, mumps was the main Epidemiology of mumps in the pre- cause of viral encephalitis during the pre-vaccine era, vaccine era and in 1967 was responsible for 36% of cases of vi- ral encephalitis (13). [...] The Jeryl 1979–86 found an incidence of 100 cases of aseptic Lynn strain, named after the child from whom the meningitis per 100 000 doses of MM vaccine con- virus was isolated, was developed in the USA by taining Leningrad-3 mumps strain; however, at the passaging the virus in embryonated hen’s eggs, then time of discharge, all symptoms had resolved and in chick embryo cell cultures (40). [...] The clinical protective efficacy of the Jeryl In Slovenia, MMR vaccine containing the L- Lynn strain of mumps vaccine in outbreak-based Zagreb mumps strain has been used since 1990, and studies in the USA has ranged from 75% to 91% passive surveillance over the period 1990–96 revealed (44). [...] Mumps vaccine based on the hospitalized cases of mumps found one case of asep- Rubini strain was licensed in Switzerland in 1985, tic meningitis per 100 000 doses of MMR vaccine and by 1990 more than 4 million people around (with Jeryl Lynn mumps strain) in a cohort of chil- the world had been immunized with it (34). [...] The Urabe strain of live mumps vaccine was first licensed in Japan in 1979, and thereafter in Belgium, France, and Italy Use of mumps vaccine around the (34).
research article


Galazka, A. M., Robertson, S. E., Kraigher, A.

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