cover image: STRATEGIES TO ORGANISE PLATFORMWORKERS Reections rom the ground Event Report


STRATEGIES TO ORGANISE PLATFORMWORKERS Reections rom the ground Event Report

20 Oct 2023

to answer—How have workers’ organisations overcome challenges in sustained collective What has been remarkable has been the action?What have been unique aspects of rise of these struggles in the face of barriers organising in the global south?Which strategies excluding platform workers and their freedom have been gaining traction for organising to collectivise. [...] labour organisations and governments understand Rikta and Sofía explained how rhetorics driven by plat orms infuence the stance that the nature and of governments and traditional labour mechanism o plat orm work organisations on the ‘belongingness’ o platform workers to the labour movement. [...] considered in ormalised work characterised by the Sofía listed some additional challenges in convincing labour leaders in Argentina—poor absence o social and legal understanding on the nature of platform protection, exploitative work, the demographic pro le o plat orm workers being predominantly young and working conditions, and migrant workers, and the high attrition immense precarity and rate. [...] AIGWU is a liated to the society organisations also support advocacy national-level Centre of Indian Trade Unions and campaigning in raising awareness, and (CITU) which provides advisory support, and making platform work legible to leaders in the has, in the past, supported platform workers labour movement. [...] “We see mostly that con icts or emphasised that the proposal centres plat orm workers have been within workers’ needs within the Argentine context, the judicial system and workers and ensures that the right to decide on a regime solely lies with the worker, and not the have managed to have wins in platforms or the government.
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