cover image: Mental health in the 21st century.


Mental health in the 21st century.


Special Theme – Mental Health Editorials Mental health in the 21st century Gro Harlem Brundtland1 We know from mortality statistics that over Their contribution was higher in high- being: the low priority generally given to the last century human life expectancy has income countries (23%) than in those with mental health; the traditional centralization increased as never before – though not low an [...] Major of mental health services in large psychiatric always for the poor of the planet, who are depression was ranked fifth in the 10 leading institutions; and poor application of proven still easy prey to the usual killers. [...] Using causes of global disease burden and this strategies – whether for lack of awareness instruments such as the DALY (disability- condition is as relevant in developing among health workers and policy-makers, adjusted life year) we can shift the focus countries. [...] After major depression, the most or because of poor organization and finan- from how people are dying to how they are important causes of neuropsychiatric cing of services, lack of quality assurance living. [...] In is also the stigma of mental illness, which impact of premature death and disability on high-income countries, dementias are often inhibits sufferers from seeking a population, combining them into a single the third leading cause of neuropsychiatric treatment, and may even limit the willingness unit of measurement of the overall burden burden.
research article


Brundtland, G. H.

Published in