cover image: Introduction: - 1 |

Introduction: - 1 |

7 Apr 2019

Ziegler states that we live on a planet where every 5 seconds, a child under the age of 10, dies of hunger or a related diseases, whereas the Earth has the capacity of feeding twice the number of its inhabitants provided that the distribution of food is equitable2. [...] The dependence of the Palestinian economy on the Israeli market, reinforced by the Paris Economic Protocol, gives rise to the imperativeness of food sovereignty, as this Protocol granted the Israeli occupation control over the Palestinian economy as was the case before the Oslo Agreement and the benefit of protecting its own market. [...] Protectionist Importing policies and plans to rectify the effects of the Paris Economic Protocol are not being implemented or promoted, in particular polices that encourage the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the face of Israeli colonial policies. [...] Background to the Conference: Given the above facts, it’s vital to initiate a discussion regarding the concept of food sovereignty in Palestine and the World as a strategy that defies the backdrop of colonial and capitalist policies, serving as a substitute for the concept of food security, one that does not adequality resolve food insecurity in the region, but merely offers short-term interventio. [...] Overall Objectives of the Conference: Discussions at the conference seek to promote enhanced awareness of the concept of food sovereignty as an alternative to that of food security, therefore confronting the colonial and 3 | C a l l f o r P a r t i c i p a t i o n | F o o d S o v e r e i g n t y … C o l o n i z a t i o n a n d B o r d e r s Palestine | October 2019 neoliberal approaches and deve.


Food Sovereignity

Published in
Palestine, State of