cover image: Submission to Australian Research Council Act 2001 – Proposed Amendments


Submission to Australian Research Council Act 2001 – Proposed Amendments

3 Nov 2023

RUN suggest that in the interests of transparency the Act be amended to require the prompt publication on the ARC website of any directions from the Minister to the ARC Board or CEO. [...] RUN RECOMMENDS The inclusion of the evaluation of research being an additional function vested to the Board. [...] CEO APPOINTMENT AND ROLE RUN supports the amendment to devolve the appointment process for the CEO to the ARC Board. [...] RUN supports the intention to reduce the legislative burden upon the Minister by amending section 30 of the ARC Act to have the division of funding between different categories of research move from the Minister to the ARC Board. [...] 5 AUSTRALIAN RESEARCH COUNCIL ACT 2001 – PROPOSED AMENDMENTS NATIONAL SECURITY REPORTING RUN supports the intent of the legislative amendments that make the functions of the ARC more responsive to Australia’s evolving security needs in the most transparent manner possible.
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