cover image: Joint Statement on Internet Shutdowns and Elections - Freedom Online Coalition – October 2023 Joint Statement on Internet Shutdowns and Elections


Joint Statement on Internet Shutdowns and Elections - Freedom Online Coalition – October 2023 Joint Statement on Internet Shutdowns and Elections

9 Oct 2023

This includes the rights to freedom of association and of peaceful assembly, and to freedom of expression and opinion, which includes the freedom to seek, receive and impart information. [...] They also specifically prevent individuals from exercising free expression about the elections, undermine the watchdog role of journalists and media during elections, obstruct the efforts of those documenting elections, which limits information integrity, and restrict electoral campaigning and the organization of political gatherings, online and offline, during electoral periods. [...] Extensive data and research from civil society1 and the United Nations2 — including the latter’s independent experts3 – provide evidence that Internet shutdowns impact the enjoyment of human rights during electoral periods, have a negative impact on the economy4, and can contribute to insecurity, increasing the likelihood of hostilities and violence5. [...] We further call on States to refrain from shutting down the Internet and digital communications platforms before, during, and following electoral periods, as aligned with States’ international human rights obligations and commitments, particularly Article 25(b) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights9, and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action10. [...] The Freedom Online Coalition further highlights the 2021 General Assembly resolution on Strengthening the role of the United Nations in enhancing periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization11, which was adopted by consensus, “strongly condemns any manipulation of election processes,” and calls on UN Member States to respect “human rights and fundamental freedoms of all pers.
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