Disaster Risk Communication: What do people in Nepal need to prepare better for disasters? RESEARCH BRIEFING FEBRUARY 2023 | RESILIENCE This briefing draws on research conducted to understand: Media use and access: What different types of media people in Nepal use, and what platforms are most effective to reach different groups Risk perception and preparedness: How at risk people in Nepal feel fro. [...] These findings have been used to inform the co-design of the National Disaster Risk Communication Strategy and provide valuable information to others communicating with people in Nepal on how to prepare for disasters. [...] Disaster risk communication 2 % of Nepali adults who have used this type of media in the last 6 months Determinants of risk perception ƍ The qualitative study found people are willing to live in areas at risk from natural hazards when they feel a strong affinity to their place of living either because their day-to-day livelihood relies on being in that place, or due to strong cultural, social or a. [...] Do you think the information you have received has helped you to prepare for disasters you face or reduce damage/risk ? Actions taken to prepare for the monsoon ƍ One-third (31%) of people are taking some action to prepare for the monsoon. [...] What information would help you to prepare for disasters you face to reduce risk/damage? Base: 5582 Disaster risk communication 5 Photo by Tom Van Cakenberghe/Getty Images Requests for improvement in disaster risk communication The research found people in Nepal feel they need more information to prepare for hazards: D Practical information people can use: People have basic knowledge and informati.
- Pages
- 7
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- United Kingdom