cover image: Funding opportunity - Resilient UK coastal communities and seas: outline stage


Funding opportunity - Resilient UK coastal communities and seas: outline stage

19 Oct 2023

Objectives and desired outcomes The programme objectives are to: apply place-based approaches to transform our understanding of climatic, environmental, health, economic, social, and cultural factors affecting UK coastal communities and seas develop the resilient management of UK coastal seas, coastal communities, and the natural capital these areas depend on and support, by delivering the evidenc. [...] Knowledge gaps that could be considered under this theme include, but are not limited to: evaluating the impact of interventions within the scope of the programme and assessing the combined benefits and risks from interventions to establish best practice approaches building understanding of the effects of climate change on the marine and coastal environment, and its future impact on UK coastal com. [...] To develop interventions that support communities to sustain and enhance their community and natural environments enhancing understanding of how sectoral innovation and diversification in the use and non-use of marine resources can affect resilience of both natural capital assets and coastal communities in the face of climate change Theme two: to enhance resilience in UK coastal areas by understan. [...] It may be useful to engage with the NIHR Health Determinants Research Collaboration initiative Theme three: articulate the value and benefits of coastal environments and communities to transform decision making and improve outcomes This theme is focused on how value and benefits are designated and articulated in the development of coastal policy and decision making. [...] The assessment criteria to be used will be as follows: research excellence fit to scheme Funders will use the recommendations from the outline panel, along with the overall funding opportunity requirements and the available budget, in making the decision to invite applicants to the full proposal stage.
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United Kingdom