cover image: The Brazil of the Future - Towards Productivity, Inclusion, and Sustainability (English)


The Brazil of the Future - Towards Productivity, Inclusion, and Sustainability (English)

30 Oct 2023

This report argues that for Brazil’s development agenda to regain steam it will need to better mobilize all Brazilians. Indeed, a more inclusive Brazil will mean a more prosperous Brazil - the virtuous cycle. This requires overcoming the country’s historical legacy of exclusion, rooted in Brazil’s early development model, including a long experience with slavery. For historical reasons, there are still several Brazil's. At one extreme is an upper class predominantly white, formalized, well educated, urban, and southern or southeastern. At the other are those in the bottom 30 percent, predominantly of color, informal or in subsistence agriculture, uneducated poor, rural, and northern or northeastern. Brazil also developed an important urban middle and upper middle class, which is more heterogenous racially, more often formally employed but seldom highly educated, and vulnerable to falling back into poverty. Exclusion remains strong in Brazilian society and can harm Brazil’s future. Allowing more Brazilians to contribute to Brazil’s economy can make Brazil a more prosperous and inclusive society in the following twenty years.
brazil urban development latin america & caribbean urban governance and city systems inclusive cities early stage financing central government central agencies mining community development agreements


World Bank

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
The Brazil of the Future - Towards Productivity, Inclusion, and Sustainability
Product Line
Advisory Services & Analytics
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
BR-Brazil 2040 -- P173458
Central Government (Central Agencies)
TF No/Name
TF0B1446-Trade policy reforms in Brazil,TF0B1988-Brazil: Support for Structural Reforms and Trade Integration
Inclusive Growth,Human Development and Gender,Economic Policy,Trade Policy,Social Protection,Social Development and Protection,Economic Growth and Planning,Fiscal Policy,Disease Control,Pandemic Response,Trade,Tax policy,Public Expenditure Policy,Social protection delivery systems,Migration, Remittances and Diaspora Engagement
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