cover image: Practice  |  Clinical images - An unusual cause of neck cellulitis


Practice | Clinical images - An unusual cause of neck cellulitis

26 Oct 2023

The patient had noted dysphagia for a few days and had a history of esopha- Figure 1: (A) Cellulitis of the neck from colonic diverticulitis in a 55-year-old woman with previous geal atresia that had been managed reconstruction of esophageal atresia using a segment of colon. [...] (B) A contrast-enhanced computed with interposition of a section of colon tomography scan showed findings typical of diverticulitis, including a fluid-filled false diverticulum between the cervical esophagus and (arrow), bowel wall thickening, subcutaneous fat stranding and edema. [...] Cervical diverticulitis: a novel complication of a Because of the proximity of prosthetic material and previous neonatal colonic interposition graft following oesophagectomy. [...] tomography (CT) scan of the neck showed soft-tissue swelling, thickening of the digestive tract wall and a fluid-filled, edema- tous outpouching of the digestive tract (Figure 1B). [...] Serge Dubé (1950–2023), professor of surgery, mentor and emptying issues, which may contribute to the development of inspiration to generations of medical students and residents.
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