Gender-Based Violence on Public Transportation: A Review of Evidence and Existing Solutions


Gender-Based Violence on Public Transportation: A Review of Evidence and Existing Solutions

30 Jun 2020

Women traveling on public transportation in cities experience gender-based violence, particularly sexual harassment, which harms their social and economic well-being. Several interventions to address gender-based violence on public transportation are gaining traction, although the evidence base supporting them is limited. Strategies that address this violence should acknowledge that (1) women have specific needs, (2) societal behaviors must change, (3) legal reforms can empower women, (4) transit agencies need more enforcement capacity, and (5) gender-disaggregated data are necessary.You can read the report on theUS Agency for International Development’s Urban-linkswebsite. External Link:
international development gender and sexuality metropolitan housing and communities policy center


James Ladi Williams, Ammar A. Malik, Sara McTarnaghan

Published in
United States of America
Rights Holder
Urban Institute