cover image: VETERANS JUSTICE ACT Summary  - Section 1. Purpose Section 2. Definitions


VETERANS JUSTICE ACT Summary - Section 1. Purpose Section 2. Definitions

7 Nov 2023

(c) “CASE PLAN” means a set of goals, conditions, and programs that is based on a professional risk and needs assessment, tailored to the specific risks and needs of the veteran, and developed in collaboration with the veteran. [...] Except in cases where the judge approves a case plan in a pre-plea situation, if the veteran does not successfully complete the case plan, they waive their right to a trial and accept that they will be convicted of the crime and resume the standard sentencing process. [...] (3) A presumption in favor of a veteran sentencing option exists for any offense that is eligible for probation, which can only be overcome by a judicial finding that such a sentencing option would not reasonably ensure public safety based on an individualized assessment of the veteran and consideration of the supervision, treatment, and other programs available in that community. [...] (g) Victims/survivors shall have the opportunity to be involved in the process, including the opportunity to submit a written statement to be read at the final hearing where program completion is determined. [...] (i) The court shall offer the veteran the ability to communicate their veteran status through counsel or by other means, avoiding the need for self- identification of veteran status in open court.


Jim Seward

Published in
United States of America