cover image: Sowing Sustainable Cities


Sowing Sustainable Cities

26 Oct 2023

Weekly farm visits involved keen observation and description of the space, the soil, the farming process, the various stages of growth of the ragi crop and the myriad insects Figure 2.3: An illustrated recipe book documenting all the and birds we encountered on the farm.  Ragi ragi recipes tried out by the students and teachers brought everyone together. [...] They learnt and Transplanting  how to work with the land and prepare it for sowing, source water and irrigate the crop, When the children first visited the farm, they prepare nursery beds, and transplant saplings, took in the sights and learnt the paths that led to restore soil health, know when the crop is ready the farm from the school. [...] Logistical issues included identifying a reliable water source at the farm, having a volunteer to take care of the farm during school holidays, finding the right seeds, acquiring skills and expertise in caring for the crop, and knowing when and how to harvest.  Documenting and synthesising our experiences Figure 2.8: Bringing the farm to the classroom—mapping the required us to set aside time for. [...] A at an individual and community level;  robust civil society and a responsive government are important factors for its success.  • U se the compost to maintain the community garden in the park and sell the manure to ‘SwachaGraha’ translates to clean planet and farmers (in and around Bengaluru—mostly in ‘Kalika Kendra’ means training centre. [...] The park is successful largely due country, and the Government of Karnataka to the committed and concerted efforts of the recognised this model and mandated citizen volunteers, mostly from elite backgrounds similar learning centres in all districts across and the support of the local administration.
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