cover image: Empowering Cities of Migration, New Methods for Citizen Involvement and


Empowering Cities of Migration, New Methods for Citizen Involvement and

17 Nov 2023

The research highlights the critical importance of housing and place in integration processes and the ways in which local residents can be empowered to work with those involved in the governance of neighbourhood and housing services to create appropriate and inclusive responses, and which facilitate engagement and empowerment. [...] In doing so, the research highlights the critical importance of housing and place in integration processes and the ways in which local residents can be empowered to work with those involved in the governance of neighbourhood and housing services to create appropriate and inclusive responses, and which facilitate engagement and empowerment. [...] A review of the literature highlights that work about housing and migration has focused on the challenges of accessing and securing affordable housing, and the key role of housing in integration and inclusion. [...] The population of the neighbourhood is relatively young and the so called ‘foreign-born’ constitute around 59% of the population, and with the majority of migrants born in either Iraq, Somalia, Syria, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Iran. [...] For the interviews with migrant women and with wider stakeholders, the information sheet and consent forms were provided in a range of different languages (see above) and used by CRs (migrant interviews) and the primary investigators (stakeholder interviews) to provide some initial information about the project, to explain the topic guide and content, to highlight the advantages and disadvantages.


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