cover image: Supporting sufficiency approaches in the building sector - Introduction & Status Quo

Supporting sufficiency approaches in the building sector - Introduction & Status Quo

23 Nov 2023

For the building sector, it can be translated into the following five overarching goals or key topics: Reduction of per capita space requirements Development of existing buildings before The aim is to reverse the trend of constantly increa- new construction sing living space per person - to the current average A prioritization pyramid is proposed, from the least to of 47 m2. [...] Only by addressing the use phase and the occupancy or use of the residential buildings can the suffi- ciency potential be leveraged. [...] The study therefore presents the following proposals for the design and implementation of policy instruments that incorporate sufficiency approaches into the further development of the building sector and that expand and supplement the existing range of instruments for the sustainable transformation of the building stock with sufficiency aspects. [...] To support sufficiency approaches, the creation of new and the amendment of existing legal and financial framework conditions and instru- ments, as well as the abolition of obstructive ones, should be examined. [...] federal Strengthen the aspects of portfolio development and space economy in the RBBau, the buildings Guideline for Sustainable Building and the BNB system.
, docid:944b808b1181a7c3400098c87ebbbfd9


Patrick Zimmermann

Published in
