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Climate Inequality: Oceania - Why we must create climate equality and

20 Nov 2023

Here in Oceania, the inequality between those causing the climate crisis, those experiencing the worst of the impacts, and those who have the capacity to cope is particularly devastating. [...] Some countries in the • The top 1% of Australians by income emit almost Pacific are realistically contemplating the loss of their 200 times more carbon pollution than the entire national homelands entirely to climate change in the population of Vanuatu, with fewer people. [...] Total emissions for the top its wake.4 Pacific Island countries are ranked on the 10% by income exceeded those of the bottom Notre Dame Global Adaption Index among the countries 50%, despite the latter constituting 1.9 million with the most vulnerability to climate change impacts. [...] 182 countries.5 • The 48,000 people who make up the top 1% in New By contrast, per capita, Aotearoa New Zealand and Zealand are responsible for double the emissions of Australia are among the wealthiest countries in the the 2 million people who live in Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon world. [...] Australia and the Pacific The climate and inequality story is even starker when Compared to Vanuatu, the top 1% of Australians by the focus is on Australia’s neighbours in the Pacific.
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