cover image: Indexation & NSW specialist homelessness services indexation - WHAT IS IT, AND WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR


Indexation & NSW specialist homelessness services indexation - WHAT IS IT, AND WHAT DOES IT MEAN FOR

6 Nov 2023

In the lead up to the 2023/24 NSW Budget, Homelessness NSW advocated for the NSW Government to apply an indexation rate of 6.2%. [...] In the majority of States and Territories, the State Government applies a single rate of indexation to both the Commonwealth and State components of funding. [...] The State made up the difference between the 3.25% and 5.4% rates for the Commonwealth component as well as paying 5.4% on their own component. [...] States determine the The Commonwealth Government must indexation for their component of funding irrespective of the amount paid by appropriately index payments as part of the the Commonwealth. [...] The NSW Government paid 5.75% on their component of SHS funds and The NSW Government should align its the Commonwealth paid 3.25% on their component, so SHS received an indexation model with the majority of states overall indexation rate of 4.5%.


Rennie Holland

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