cover image: Free and easy to find: it’s what people want - New research shows Australians back free TV prominence


Free and easy to find: it’s what people want - New research shows Australians back free TV prominence

6 Nov 2023

Media Release 7 November 2023 Free and easy to find: it’s what people want New research shows Australians back free TV prominence Eight in 10 Australians want to be able to easily find free TV services on connected TV sets and do not believe local free TV service providers should have to pay a TV manufacturer to secure a prominent position on the home screen. [...] They are worried that instead of being offered the local TV services they want to watch, they are being steered in the direction of services that favour the commercial interests of big tech and TV manufacturers,” said Free TV CEO Bridget Fair. [...] The survey of 2,075 people conducted by Free TV and Seven West Media found 78% of people with connected TV sets believe it is important they can easily find free TV services. [...] • 81% of people did not agree with the idea that local free TV services should have to pay a TV manufacturer for visibility on the home screen. [...] But TV manufacturers want to charge local TV providers up to 30% of revenue just to be present on the TV screen.



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