cover image: CPP’s Local Economy Tracker - November 2023


CPP’s Local Economy Tracker - November 2023

20 Nov 2023

32% of this group think the local economic impact under the Conservatives will be “very negative”, while those living in the North of England are generally more likely to hold this very negative view than the county overall (29% in the North of England think Conservative policies would have a very negative impact compared to 23% in UK). [...] Although regional mayors are most trusted to deliver compared to other levels of governance, people have negative views on the impact of all levels of Government • 38% of people think policies enacted by the Government in Westminster will have a negative impact on their local economy over the next 5 years, rising to 49% of those living in the Yorkshire and Humber region. [...] CPP’s Local Economy Tracker 10 Findings 1 Significant pessimism about the Conservative Party’s ability to improve local economic conditions For this year’s survey we explored the public’s views on the ability of political parties to improve the local economy and their confidence about the ability of different branches of government to deliver for their area. [...] 32% of this group think the local economic impact under the Conservatives will be “very negative”, while those living in the North of England are generally more likely to hold this very negative view than the country overall (29% in the North compared to 23% across the UK). [...] Those living in London (34%) and the South of England (33%) are more likely to pick housing than people in the North East, Midlands and East of England.5 5 The proportion of those living in London and the South prioritising housing is not statistically different to the UK overall but is statistically different to the other regions outlined in the above text.
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