cover image: Transparency Requirements for Digital Social Media Platforms: Recommendations for Policy Makers and Industry


Transparency Requirements for Digital Social Media Platforms: Recommendations for Policy Makers and Industry

12 Feb 2020

This paper sets out a framework for transparency on the part of the larger digital social media companies in connection with their content moderation activities and the algorithms and data that involve the distribution of problematic content on their systems. It departs from the movement in many countries for content regulation and mandated takedowns, preferring instead to focus on creating a balanced and clear legal structure for disclosure that can help to restore public trust in digital platforms and provide assurances that they are operating in the public interest. It recommends a tiered system of transparency. Disclosures about content moderation programs and enforcement procedures and transparency reports are aimed at the general public. Disclosures about prioritization, personalization and recommendation algorithms are provided to vetted researchers and regulators. Vetted researchers are also given access to anonymized data for conducting audits in connection with content moderation programs, while personal data and commercially sensitive data are available only for regulators.
social media content regulation


Mark MacCarthy

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