cover image: FOR SALE - The Atlanta Way - Cop City and Pay-to-Play


FOR SALE - The Atlanta Way - Cop City and Pay-to-Play

9 Nov 2023

The Atlanta Way FOR SALE The Atlanta Way Cop City and Pay-to-Play As a part of Common Cause’s ongoing effort to expose the corporate money behind local political decisions, Common Cause researched the connection between donations to former Council member Joyce Sheperd’s 2021 campaign and her introduction of legislation to lease city land to build 'Cop City', a $90 million police training facility. [...] Although the full list of vendors that will be involved in the building and operations of the Cop City training facility is currently unknown, the sheer volume of donations shows us that the influence of business interests spoke louder than the voters in the passage of the legislation. [...] In the interest of good government, the City of Atlanta should establish a policy or ordinance that bans improper influence or the appearance of conflict of interest. [...] We ask that the City of Atlanta council members pledge to support the end of pay to play politics in Atlanta by passing a Bidder Ban. [...] 3 Proposed Amendment to the City of Atlanta The City of Atlanta should amend the Procurement and Real Estate Code to: 1.


Kerstin Diehn

Published in
United States of America