cover image: LAO PDR CLEARING THE MINES 2023 7,467 54



3 Nov 2023

467 Clearing the Mines 2023 NON-SIGNATORIES position, role, duties, rights, organisational structure, and the capacity of the NRA at the national, provincial and district working principles and methods of the NRA.13 A new National levels, in nine provinces and fifty-five districts.22 Decree on unexploded ordnance (UXO) management was endorsed by the government in July 2022.14 In an important In 20. [...] In May 2022, Lao PDR consideration of policy, planning, projects, and coordination announced during the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) of the implementation of the national strategy nationwide, intersessional meetings that a Country Coalition had been as well as NRA planning and coordination functions at the set up under the existing name of the “UXO Sector Working provincial and district l. [...] However, cooperation and coordination with the NRA at the national, 27 responsibility for the clearance of mined areas in Lao PDR is provincial, and district levels, but the multiple layers of also led by the NRA.18 According to the National Strategy for bureaucracy in Lao PDR remained a challenge. [...] PLANNING AND TASKING A new 10-year National Strategy for the UXO Sector (2021–30), Safe Path Forward III, was developed under the leadership of the NRA with support from UNDP and in consultation with relevant stakeholders.36 The new strategy, which was adopted in January 2023, was developed based on the results of the evaluation of the implementation of the previous ten-year strategy, Safe Path Fo. [...] However, it is known that encouraged to make written recommendations for changes mined areas exist in Lao PDR and at some stage in the future to the national standards at any time, on which the NRA these areas will have to be cleared.”44 will seek input from other stakeholders and consider the recommendation and the inputs received.48 According to Chapter 7 of the National Standards, if a mine is.
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