Most recently, the increasing muscularity of China and Russia - and their growing collaboration - pose serious challenges to the rules-based international order and its pillars of democracy, rule of law and respect for human rights. [...] LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will be able to: Describe: • the key goals of Canada’s foreign policy, • the national and international instruments for realizing those goals and • the role of provincial / territorial governments and various government departments in Canada’s international engagement. [...] Students will also be expected to explore the websites of key government departments and international organizations to understand current policies and programs, and to develop awareness of the wide range of information, analysis and data sources. [...] Adherence to the values expressed through academic integrity forms a foundation for the "freedom of inquiry and exchange of ideas" essential to the intellectual life of the University (see the Senate Report on Principles and Priorities principles-and-priorities). [...] Given the seriousness of these matters, actions which contravene the regulation on academic integrity carry sanctions that can range from a warning or the loss of grades on an assignment or the failure of a course to the rescinding of a degree.
- Pages
- 3
- Published in
- Canada