Brexit & Beyond

Brexit & Beyond

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons

Chris Grey is Emeritus Professor of Organization Studies at Royal Holloway, University of London, and was previously a Professor at Cambridge University and Warwick University. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS). He originally studied Economics and Politics at Manchester University, where he also gained a PhD on the regulation of financial services. "Best guy to follow on Brexit for intelligent analysis" Annette Dittert, ARD German TV. "Consistently outstanding analysis of Brexit" Jonathan Dimbleby. "The best writer on Brexit" Chris Lockwood, Europe Editor, The Economist. "A must-read for anyone following Brexit" David Allen Green, FT. "The doyen of Brexit commentators" Chris Johns, Irish Times. & Twitter @chrisgreybrexit

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©Chris Gray
Chris Gray

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Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 5 November 2021 English

It’s been a horrible week for Brexit news, and a depressing one for any hope that UK-EU relations will settle into harmony or, at least, pragmatic cooperation. Careful readers of …

requested concerted EU action</a> in a letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen which was which more later).<br /><br />In fact, the European Commission has been notably unwilling to ‘take France’s punishment letter’</a> from Castex to the European Commission President about fishing licences is being

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 7 May 2021 English

One way of telling the story of Brexit is that it was sold to the British public as, and perhaps believed by its advocates to be, a project to regain …

doesn’t even matter if, as some may think, the European Commission or Norway or France are miscalculating their