Individual Contributors to Policy Commons

Marginal Revolution is the blog of Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, both of whom teach at George Mason University. MR began in August of 2003 and there have been new posts daily since that time. In numerous reviews and ratings over the years Marginal Revolution has consistently been ranked as the best or one of the best economic blogs on the web, but it is more (and less) than that, also representing the quirks of its authors.

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Copyright © Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok; all rights reserved
Tyler Cowen
Alex Tabarrok

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 26 October 2012 English

Here are a few which are at least what I call “defensible”: 1. The UK economy was hit with serious problems, and fiscal (and monetary) policy did not respond strongly …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 26 October 2012 English

1. Update on the Medicaid wars: Medicaid spending is slowing, and more here, much of it is from falling reimbursement rates. 2. Upgrading the lowly button. 3. Krugman’s Asimov introduction …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 26 October 2012 English

I am honored to have served as Kurt’s Ph.d advisor. He recently found the original Bretton Woods archival manuscripts, hidden away in Treasury, here is that story, written up by …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 25 October 2012 English

Some people I know will hate it when I say this, but as written by E.J. Dionne, this seems to me true, true, true: The right wing has lost the …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 25 October 2012 English

Rod Long offers a very insightful reading of Ayn Rand’s Anthem: The book’s most striking feature, both stylistically and in the substance of the story, is the absence of the …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 25 October 2012 English

Here is my recent piece with Kevin Grier, excerpt: Just how irrational are voters? It is statistically possible that the outcome of a handful of college football games in …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 25 October 2012 English

Veronique de Rugy sums up many points I continue to be thinking: When I looked at the data back in June, we saw that of the roughly £40 billion that …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 25 October 2012 English

Singapore Airlines Ltd. (SIA) will end non-stop services to Newark, the world’s longest commercial flight, next year as it phases out the aging planes used on the route. The all-business-class …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 25 October 2012 English

1. Going back a bit in time, prior approval, a scary doctrine. 2. Profile of Tax Policy Center. 3. Colorblind casting in Cloud Atlas. 4. At least two people are …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 24 October 2012 English

Some of them he slept with more than once, but most were one-timers. In all, he earned just over 24,000 kroner, or $4,150. Henrik only paid 6,300 kroner ($1,090) in …