Individual Contributors to Policy Commons

Marginal Revolution is the blog of Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, both of whom teach at George Mason University. MR began in August of 2003 and there have been new posts daily since that time. In numerous reviews and ratings over the years Marginal Revolution has consistently been ranked as the best or one of the best economic blogs on the web, but it is more (and less) than that, also representing the quirks of its authors.

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Copyright © Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok; all rights reserved
Tyler Cowen
Alex Tabarrok

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 18 August 2012 English

1. The culture that is Japan, and the culture of an orderly orgy. 2. Emerging threats? (pdf) 3. Careers in jazz. 4. Who is allowed to appear on a Canadian …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 18 August 2012 English

This review is a fun rant about whether we would be better off with lower incomes and more leisure time. Here is one excerpt: …I well remember as recently as …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 18 August 2012 English

A lot of attention has been put on “too big to fail,” the idea that big is risky. What really matters in a complex network system, however, is not bigness …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 17 August 2012 English

An emergency layover in Syria’s capital was bad enough. Then passengers on Air France Flight 562 were asked to open their wallets to check if they had enough cash to …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 17 August 2012 English

1. Quashed auction markets in everything. 2. City-based visas? 3. Why Encyclopedia Britannica will never disappear. 4. Dining in Wichita, and the innovation crisis in pharmaceuticals. 5. Via Chris F...

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 17 August 2012 English

From Stulp G, Kordsmeyer T, Buunk AP, Verhulst S.: Theoretical analyses and empirical studies have revealed that conflict escalation is more likely when individuals are more similar in resource-holding potential …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 17 August 2012 English

John Cochrane presents a good point: But we’ve heard the defense over and over again: “recoveries are always slower after financial crises.” Most recently (this is what set me off …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 17 August 2012 English

The Hurun Report, based in Shanghai, tracks the nation’s wealthy and calculates that there were a record 271 billionaires (in U.S. dollars) in China in 2011. A third of the …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 16 August 2012 English

A Spanish mayor who became a cult hero for staging robberies at supermarkets and giving stolen groceries to the poor sets off this week on a three-week march that could …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 16 August 2012 English

… the Greek government has imposed a moratorium on all outlays other than salaries and pensions, according to Greek newspaper Kathimerini. This means that primary spending, the public investment programme …