Individual Contributors to Policy Commons

Marginal Revolution is the blog of Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok, both of whom teach at George Mason University. MR began in August of 2003 and there have been new posts daily since that time. In numerous reviews and ratings over the years Marginal Revolution has consistently been ranked as the best or one of the best economic blogs on the web, but it is more (and less) than that, also representing the quirks of its authors.

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Copyright © Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok; all rights reserved
Tyler Cowen
Alex Tabarrok

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 2 August 2012 English

That is the forthcoming book by Barry Eichengreen, Dwight Perkins, and Kwanho Shin. I just pre-ordered my copy to arrive in October…

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 2 August 2012 English

1. From Washington Monthly: monetary policy, gargoyles, and the emotions. I say focus ruthlessly on substance and do your best to explore and present the limits and drawbacks of your …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 2 August 2012 English

Goldman Sachs is investing in a New York City pay on performance bond (POP bond also called a social improvement bond). The Pop bond is based on recidivism rates for …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 2 August 2012 English

“It’s not as if 50 people woke up one morning and said, ‘Today, instead of getting a real job, I’m going to go steal cardboard.’ And here is a bit …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 1 August 2012 English

That is a new post from the excellent Interfluidity. I read it as a version of Keynes’s chapter seventeen, where the demand to buy insurance (in various indirect forms) is …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 1 August 2012 English

Some time ago, @ModeledBehavior has requested comment on this article. Excerpt: Across the nation cash-strapped municipalities are considering the sale of their public-utility systems. These moves are intended to raise …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 1 August 2012 English

TVNZ: London’s Metropolitan police said they had arrested 16 people since Friday for illegal reselling of Olympics tickets, as Games organisers said they were investigating why scores of seats were …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 1 August 2012 English

It is a gargantuan, imperial city, and while there is always a walking path the point of walking is not always clear. “The Middle Kingdom does Dubai.” There is no …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 1 August 2012 English

Surendra Rao, who was the chairman of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission in 2001, when the nation’s last major blackout occurred, said that a fairly sophisticated system of circuit breakers …

Individual Contributors to Policy Commons · 1 August 2012 English

1. Ash and lightning above and Icelandic volcano, hat tip to Gordon. 2. More on the signaling of Iranian girls (good link). 3. Why are theater reviews embargoed? 4. Does …