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TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 12 February 2021

These include the overall demand for oil and its outlook, the extent to which environmental regulations increase the quantity of hydrogen in fuels for lower sulphur content, and the quality …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 14 January 2021

3 Commercial scale production of furfural and furfural alcohol from sugarcane bagasse for the local Foundry Industry and broader export market Introduction The sugar industry plays an important role in …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 14 January 2021

Using the idea of “business unusual” TIPS economists have put together a Post COVID-19 recovery programme in South Africa that could provide the impetus to arrest the current trend of …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 14 January 2021

To create a future vibrant waste economy which increases the sector’s contribution to GDP and job creation it is necessary for the dtic to become involved in a sector which …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 4 January 2021

In terms of the implementation process, the analysis underscored the extraordinary complexity of the scorecard. [...] The following table indicates the main impacts and their weighting, the core outcomes to …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 6 October 2020

The impacts are, however, difficult to distinguish in some cases from the effects of the slowdown in the South African and global economy over the past five years. [...] Similarly, …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 6 October 2020

The impacts are, however, difficult to distinguish in some cases from the effects of the slowdown in the South African and global economy over the past five years. [...] Similarly, …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 6 October 2020

The impacts are, however, difficult to distinguish in some cases from the effects of the slowdown in the South African and global economy over the past five years. [...] Similarly, …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 7 September 2020

THE ECONOMY A ND THE PANDEMIC 24 AUGUST – 6 SEPTEMBER 2020 KEY FINDINGS On the pandemic • The number of new diagnoses of COVID-19, which started to decline rapidly …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 3 August 2020

That in turn requires both immediate efforts, to minimise the economic impacts of the pandemic even while it still rages, and longer-run strategies to diversify the economy away from mining …