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TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 20 March 2019

We need therefore to engage in the proactive pursuit of a path that seeks to contain the costs of the transition, one focused on alleviating the plight of the most …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 25 February 2019

The impacts of closures will be highly concentrated; the majority of Eskom’s coal plants — and the mines that supply them — are located within a 100km radius, to the …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 10 September 2018

Briefing Note: Responding to the slowdown The figures for general government consumption and for public investment point to the pro-cyclical impact of the current fiscal policy, combined with consolidation at …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 5 August 2018

The Wolfensohn’s presidency of the World Bank in the 1990’s, said that this type of infrastructure development should be financed by the private sector. [...] Governance continued Governance encompasses interactions …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 26 July 2018

PowerPoint Presentation Finance and Industrial Development: Convergent or Divergent Trajectories? Dr Justin Visagie and Prof Ivan Turok Human Sciences Research Council TIPS Forum 2018 Finance and Industrial Development: Convergent or …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 23 July 2018

HEADING FOR PRESENTATION HERE Structural Transformation in South Africa: moving towards a smart, open economy for all Pamela Mondliwa Overview 1 Record of structural transformation in SA 2 Industry Studies …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 5 June 2018

In the 1994 democratic government, he was first Head of the Commission on the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) in the Gauteng Provincial Cabinet and then moved to Parliament. [...] …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 1 June 2018

The objectives of the research were to; determine the economic contribution factors of stokvels, investigate their role in the economic policy framework, explore the views of the stokvel groups and …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 31 May 2018

The NDP emphasises the importance of education and skills acquisition at all levels of qualifications and the need to have a clear linkage between education and training and world of …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 31 May 2018

This preliminary review includes the size and rate of growth of funding for the past 20 years of its existence, progress in terms of the number of companies and employees …