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TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 22 April 2013

The capability approach offers a framework to assess levels of development from the perspective of the freedom communities have ‘to be and do’ what they ‘reason to value’; which is …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 22 April 2013

Phase 4: Investigating the state of learning and teaching in public primary schools in the communities sampled in the Community Capability Study with the intention to increase understanding of schooling …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 6 March 2013

An expansion of the CWP to communities around the country has potential to make a significant difference to the lives of millions of poor South Africans and go some way …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 12 February 2013

The strategy lays out the vision to achieve a more developed, democratic, cohesive and equitable economy and society over the medium term, in the context of sustained growth and the …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 11 March 2012

It conceptualises the three been acknowledged as the way forward spheres of sustainable development – the since the United Nations Conference on the economy, society and the environment – as …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 23 January 2012

C% % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 23 January 2012

Bohlabela CWP ECD questionaire findings with additions ! ! ! ! "##$##%$&'!()!*+,*-$#!#.//(+'$0!12!'-$! 3(-451$45!6(%%.&7'2!8(+9!:+(;+5%%$! ! ! ! ! <*'(1$+!=>??! ! ! ! ! ! @%/4$%$&'7&;!";$&*2 !! 7%5!C.+54!D$E$4(/%$&'!F(.&05'7(&! $50!";$&*2 !!G$15!D$E$4(/%$&'! ! ! …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 14 November 2011

The home based care washed the grandfather and they cooked something for him to eat.” “I saw it is important especially the home based care for those who are sick …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 1 September 2011

• A review of the documentation informing the development of the urban agriculture At one end of the continuum, the City of Cape policy of the City of Cape Town; …

TIPS: Trade & Industrial Policy Strategies · 12 June 2011

Despite terms of reference that took the concept of the second economy for granted, this strategy process attempted to engage in an open way with the then-raging debate around the …