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Education Resources Information Center

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ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

This study examined how learning, attitudes, and mental efforts are affected by changing the verbal information presentation format and relationship between the narrator and on-screen character in a junior high …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

The present study examines data collected during the second year of a three-year longitudinal cluster randomized controlled trial, the Responsive Classroom Efficacy Study (RCES). In the context of and RCT, …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

In schools across America, teachers know who among their peers is doing the best work and who is not. Yet the nation's evaluation systems tend to foster the notion that …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

Students with disabilities and English language learners (ELLs) participate in state assessment systems. Some participate in the regular assessment and some students with disabilities participate in an alternate assessment. How …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

A study examined mothers' accuracy in predicting the responses their children would give and the scores they would achieve on two standardized vocabulary tests. Specifically, the study's primary purpose was …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

Women involved in multiple life roles comprise a large segment of society, yet little is known about how stressful and satisfying they find this lifestyle, or about what characteristics are …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

A review of the research on the effects of parental influence and parental involvement on children's reading achievement indicates that when parents take an active and positive part in their …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

"Saxon Math", published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, is a core curriculum for students in grades K-12. This report includes studies that investigate the potential impact of "Saxon Math" for students …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center German

Texts accompanied by photographs and drawings introduce students to four means of public transportation and to major tourist attractions in Munich, German Federal Republic. Vocabulary is glossed in the margin, …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

This document comprises a study of the involvement of 1989 graduates of the Columbus (Ohio) Public Schools in compensatory education programs available in kindergarten through grade eight funded under Chapter …