Education Resources

Education Resources

Education Resources Information Center

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ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

While concern for efficiency and productivity and the use of systems terminology are not new, the intensity with which the jargon is used is relatively new. Unfortunately, the technological terms …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

The SPADE theory, which uses linguistic formalisms to model the planning and debugging processes of computer programming, was simultaneously developed and tested in three separate contexts--computer uses in education, automatic …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

In technologically advanced American society, the black struggle for education is rooted in the historical struggle to overturn racial oppression, economic exploitation, and cultural/ideological domination. In this society, where the …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

A study of elementary guidance counseling in Tennessee involved three phases: (1) a review of the literature containing outcome studies showing effectiveness of elementary guidance counselors; (2) a compilation of …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

This document enumerates and discusses needs for community service and continuing education programs in the state of Tennessee. Its contents are based on the Statewide Report drawn up by the …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

There are increasing numbers of commercially available computer graphics packages, both in terms of hardware and software, that can be utilized by instructors, practitioners, and students of education. With the …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

National performance for 17-year-olds in school, 17-year-olds not in school and young adults aged 26-35 in the area of career and occupational development (COD) was assessed to determine whether or …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

The Classification of Secondary School Courses (CSSC) is a coding activity to translate the diverse course titles which appear on transcripts and master schedules of students into common terms, permitting …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

The major emphasis of the National Longitudinal Study of the High School Class of 1972 (NLS) has been directed toward individuals in the 1972 high school graduating class. Consequently, sampling …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

This glossary contains terms and definitions found in the handbooks of standard educational terminology that constitute the State Educational Records and Reports Series. By serving as a quick alphabetical reference …