Education Resources

Education Resources

Education Resources Information Center

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ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

An overview of learning disabilities in adults is presented to aid in detection, diagnosis, and instruction. Following a description of learning disabilities in general, and the occurrence in adults in …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

The basis for mid-career changes is investigated and ways in which academic counselors can help adults make the transition to a postsecondary educational institution are examined. Two general areas for …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

Parents have a major influence on their children's attitudes toward work and life. Handicapped youth, who have more difficulty than other youth in making the transition from school to work …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

To improve vocational educational programs in agriculture, occupational information on a common core of basic skills within the occupational area of the horse farm hand is presented in the revised …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

To improve vocational educational programs in agriculture, occupational information on a common core of basic skills within the occupational area of the agricultural-industrial equipment dealership partsman is presented in the …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

This project report is concerned with the varied activities of the School Mathematics Project (SMP) for 1966-67. The activities reported on include (1) the publication program of students' texts and …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

The organization and administration of colleges and universities are discussed in 10 papers representing varied perspectives of the most current theories of organizational behavior. Titles and authors are as follows: …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

Research for this comparative study consisted of school visits and discussions on the school building industry with leading men in the field in England, West Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. The …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

This report describes the Bronx Community College (B.C.C.) freshmen class entering in September 1975, in terms of high school grade average and scores on reading-English and mathematics placement tests. As …

ERIC: Education Resources Information Center English

This paper describes and evaluates the Follow Through Program in New York City. Although centrally coordinated at the Center for School Development of the Board of Education of the City …