LSE Impact Blog

LSE Impact Blog

London School of Economics and Political Science

The LSE Impact Blog is a hub for researchers, administrative staff, librarians, students, think tanks, government, and anyone else interested in maximising the impact of academic work in the social sciences and other disciplines. We hope to encourage debate, share best practice and keep the impact community up to date with news, events and the latest research.

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Managing Editor
Michael Taster

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 5 February 2024 English

Drawing on findings from the SHAPE in Schools project, Tallulah Holley argues that the prioritisation of STEM subjects in schools risks the creation of a pipeline of students unable to …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 31 January 2024 English

Research data repositories play a vital role in ensuring research is reproducible, replicable and reusable. Yet, the infrastructure supporting them can be impermanent. Drawing on a new dataset Dorothea Strecker, …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 30 January 2024 English

Open access is built on the promise that more people are able to access and use research. Putting this to the test, Chun-Kai (Karl) Huang, Cameron Neylon and Lucy Montgomery …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 26 January 2024 English

In Art, Science and the Politics of Knowledge, Hannah Star Rogers challenges the traditional dichotomy between art and science, arguing that they share common approaches to knowledge-making. Drawing on Science …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 25 January 2024 English

The challenges facing social science research are numerous and wicked – being undervalued by funders, surmounting barriers between knowledge produced and its uptake, and ensuring they get the credit they …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 24 January 2024 English

The UN Sustainable Development Goals are widely used by research institutions and metrics providers as a mechanism for assessing the impact of universities on the wider world. Elizabeth Gadd argues …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 23 January 2024 English

In 2019 the journal Management Science introduced a policy requiring authors to make their study materials available. Taking this as an opportunity to mobilise a journal community to assess the …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 22 January 2024 English

Drawing on a recent survey of academic perceptions and uses of generative AI, Richard Watermeyer, Donna Lanclos and Lawrie Phipps suggest that the potential efficiency promised by these tools disclose …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 19 January 2024 English

In More than a Glitch: Confronting Race, Gender, and Ability Bias in Tech, Meredith Broussard scrutinises bias encoded into a range of technologies and argues that their eradication should be …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 18 January 2024 English

Drawing on the findings of a workshop on making translational research design principles the norm for European research, Gabi Lombardo, Jonathan Deer, Anne-Charlotte Fauvel, Vicky Gardner and Lan Murdock discuss …