European Politics and Policy

European Politics and Policy

London School of Economics and Political Science

EUROPP – European Politics and Policy is a multidisciplinary academic blog run by the London School of Economics and Political Science. Our central aim is to increase public understanding of European politics and policy by providing accessible academic commentary and research. We have no editorial ‘line’ beyond a commitment to communicating social science research and commentary in ways that enhance public debate and understanding.

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General Editor
Patrick Dunleavy
Managing Editor
Stuart Brown

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 17 September 2024 English

External migration policies, in which states cooperate with third countries to help manage migration, are now increasingly common. Drawing on new research, Matilde Rosina and Iole Fontana identify the key …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 16 September 2024 English

On 9 September, Mario Draghi published a new report on European competitiveness. André Wolf argues that while the report identifies many of the key challenges facing Europe, it contains questionable …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 12 September 2024 English

European states are involved in a variety of informal groups and alliances, such as the “Quint” composed of France, Germany, Italy the United Kingdom and the United States. Drawing on …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 11 September 2024 English

In 1993, a constitutional crisis in Russia led to troops storming the Russian parliament building and a new constitution that strengthened Boris Yeltsin’s hold on power. Jeff Hawn argues that …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 5 September 2024 English

Social democratic parties in Western Europe have experienced a decline in electoral support over the last two decades, yet they have also attracted increased support from women. Drawing on a …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 4 September 2024 English

The EU’s new Artificial Intelligence (AI) act identifies unfair biases in AI systems as a key risk. Yet as Sergio Scandizzo argues, we should be equally concerned about our faith …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 3 September 2024 English

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) won an unprecedented share of the vote in regional elections in the states of Saxony and Thuringia on 1 September. Florian Stoeckel writes the results …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 2 September 2024 English

Social media played a crucial role in the National Rally’s victory in the 2024 European Parliament elections in France. Drawing on new research, Roman Zinigrad shows how the algorithms used …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 27 August 2024 English

The new UK government is keen to establish itself as tough and competent on migration. Denny Pencheva and Conor Kelly argue the country’s policy on irregular migration should be rooted …

LSE: London School of Economics and Political Science · 21 August 2024 English

A large number of protests against asylum seekers and migrants have been held in the Republic of Ireland since 2022. Drawing on new research, Barry Cannon and Shane Murphy write …