CWS: Church World Service · 6 September 2024 English

Mariana Ayala is a mother, grandmother, organizer and leader of the women in her community, Sawhoyamaxa, home to Enxet people in the Gran Chaco region of Paraguay. She has attended …

CWS: Church World Service · 5 September 2024 English

Congregations and people of faith have an important role in advancing pro-immigrant, pro-refugee policies. Join us in taking action to urge your elected officials to pursue legislation and funding rooted …

CWS: Church World Service · 5 September 2024 English

My wedding dress and 300 DVDs.That is all I had when we evacuated our home. It’s what I had left of my belongings after our home and all of our …

CWS: Church World Service · 4 September 2024 English

Being greeted by free-flowing song, contagious dance and exuberant joy upon arriving at the remote Mwanga Village in Tanzania set the tone for what this incredibly hard-working group of farmers …

CWS: Church World Service · 4 September 2024 English

Refugees, asylum seekers, immigrants, and other newcomers’ access to safe, stable, and affordable housing is essential to a foundation of healthy living. But today’s housing market reveals tough-rooted inequities and …

CWS: Church World Service · 30 August 2024 English

The following blog was written by a program participant of CWS’ local Moldovan partner, Healthy City. Healthy City, also known as Zdrovii Gorod, supports Ukrainian refugees by providing comprehensive services …

CWS: Church World Service · 29 August 2024 English

The following blog was written by a program participant of CWS’ local Moldovan partner, Healthy City. Healthy City, also known as Zdrovii Gorod, supports Ukrainian refugees by providing comprehensive services …

CWS: Church World Service · 28 August 2024 English

Washington, D.C.—Today, Church World Service (CWS) and Refugee Housing Solutions (RHS) celebrate the expansion of their partnership for innovation in refugee housing. A new opportunity with a nonprofit technology platform, …

CWS: Church World Service · 27 August 2024 English

Tools and Resources to take Action Civic Engagement and Get Out the Vote Use and share the Voice for Refuge How to Vote guide and check your voter registration status. …

CWS: Church World Service · 26 August 2024 English

For many, cell phones have become an almost essential part of our day-to-day lives allowing us to be more efficient, knowledgeable and connected. This is something that a group of …