On Vaccine Mandates

User icon Toby Green
18 February 2022
2 items

Protests against vaccines mandates have made the news in Canada, but, as some of these articles show, discussions about, for and against mandates are not new. In particular, I recommend the paper from France's Conseil D'Analyse Economique (CAE).



Heritage Foundation · 17 December 2021 English

OSHA asserts—mistakenly in our view—that the mandate would save 6,830 lives over a six-month period.57 “These are the lives that are saved,” the agency asserts, “because of the ETS, or …

Heritage Foundation · 19 November 2021 English

And while the Senator has emerged as a major force in a number of Senate oversight investigations, more recently, he has focused on the impact of vaccine mandates and the …