Broward County, FL

User icon Heather Dray
24 September 2023
5 items

Association for the Social Scientific Study of Jewry · 1 January 1990 English

The purpose of this study is to compare the elderly Jewish communities of two south Florida counties with the elderly Jewish population of Israel, on a series of demographic, socioeconomic …

Jewish Communal Service Association of North America · 1 January 1987 English

The proliferation of services provided by constituent agencies of Jewish Federations across the country has made it difficult for any one person or any one agency to be familiar with …

US Federal Communications Commission · 20 June 2023 English

Urgent National Priority and Opportunity: Digital Upskilling

RSF: Russell Sage Foundation · 1 March 1922 English

A paper presented at the fifty-first congress of the American Prison Association in 1921, surveying the conditions of 30 of the 52 county jails in Florida at the time.BERT C. …

WHO: World Health Organization · 1966 German

A country-by-country tabulation of approved yellow fever vaccinating centres which have been designated by the World Health Organization in accordance with the International Health Regulations. These regulations provide that an …