Climate Change, Fossil Fuels and Wildfires

User icon Heather Dray
17 November 2023
30 items

Global perspectives on the correlation between climate change and extreme fires.

Heatwaves and Wildfires: Indigenous Knowledge and Global Climate Security - CLIMATE CHANGE
Small Community Wildfire Readiness Support Program Guide - What is the Small Community Wildfire Readiness Support?
PARADISE LOST?  - Protecting the Pantanal, a precious ecosystem in crisis
Maui Wildfire Response Sure Looks Like Government Failure
SIR54 - Wildfire Act Determinations
Roadmap for Wildfire Resilience: Solutions for a Paradigm Shift
Federal Agencies Receiving Wildfire Spending
Pittsburgh’s Double Agents - The Fossil Fuel Lobbyists Who Represent Climate Victims
Worst Possible Air Quality, Worst Wildfire Season on Record - LEIF GREGERSEN
Clearing the Smoke: A Closer Look at Federal Spending and Programs on Wildfire
Understanding the growing radical flank of the climate movement as the world burns
Wildfire Statistics
Climate Change in the American Mind: Beliefs & Attitudes, Spring 2023
Risk Disclosure and Home Prices: Evidence from California Wildfire Hazard
Global: Call by presidents of five southern European states to tackle the climate crisis underscores the urgent need to phase out fossil fuels
HEALTH AND SAFETY FACT SHEET - WILDFIRE SMOKE  - Wildfire smoke is an occupational hazard
Towards an Integrated Approach to Wildfire Risk Assessment: When, Where, What and How May the Landscapes Burn
WIDER Working Paper 2023/24-Natural disasters and economic inequality: Insights from wildfires across the globe
Local climate risk data could enable better decisionmaking by households and policymakers
Actuarial Standard of Practice No. 38 u.s. Wildfire Model