Climate Change, Fossil Fuels and Wildfires

User icon Heather Dray
17 November 2023
31 items

Global perspectives on the correlation between climate change and extreme fires.

Extreme Wildfire Events Are Linked to Global-Change-Type Droughts in the Northern Mediterranean
The calibration of the JRC EU Forest Carbon Model within the historical period 2010-2020
Heatwaves and Wildfires: Indigenous Knowledge and Global Climate Security - CLIMATE CHANGE
Greening the Economy of Europe and Central Asia (English)
Towards an Integrated Approach to Wildfire Risk Assessment: When, Where, What and How May the Landscapes Burn
The Fossil Fuels Behind Forest Fires : Quantifying the Contribution of Major Carbon Producers to Increasing Wildfire Risk
Taming Wildfires in the Context of Climate Change
Burning Threats: How Wildfires Undermine U.S. National Security
Disasters’ Great Divide: The inequitable toll of wildfires in Sonoma County
Jens Liljestrand: “I wanted to capture the feeling of anger in the face of wildfires”
UCS: Union of Concerned Scientists