Editors' Choice 2024

User icon Toby Green
21 February 2024
218 items

Every week, Gary Price and I choose new and noteworthy reports for Policy Matters, a newsletter that goes out to our growing community of registered users. Here are reports we've chosen so far in 2024.

CEPR: Centre for Economic Policy Research · 13 February 2024 English

Demand rebounded more rapidly than expected after the COVID pandemic. This interacted with a series of unprecedented supply-side shocks around the shutdown and reopening of economies, along with broad-based increases …

WWA: World Weather Attribution · 21 May 2024 English

During the winter half-year of 2023/2024, western Europe experienced a series of damaging storms. These storms led to disruptions and the associated precipitation caused exacerbated flood risks.

Brookings Institution · 26 March 2024 English

In April 2023, a Stanford study found rapid acceleration in the U.S. federal government spending in 2022. In parallel, the House Appropriations Committee was reported in June 2023 to be …

KFF · 22 February 2024

Gun violence has increased in recent years and adversely affects many children and adolescents. This brief explores the disproportionate impacts of gun violence on children of color and male youth …

Chatham House · 7 June 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is creating novel challenges for governance. Technical advances and widening use of AI have increased concerns about the risks of such technology, while also underscoring its transformational …

PsyArXiv · 6 February 2024

Despite widespread concern about climate change, a majority of people are not engaging in climate actions necessary to help decrease the risks posed by the climate emergency. Could the language …

KSE: Kyiv School of Economics · 1 April 2024

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Kyiv School of Economics has been tracking what foreign companies with business in Russia have been doing. This is the 63rd monthly report. It shows …

MPP: Marijuana Policy Project · 8 May 2024

Legalizing cannabis for adults has been a wise investment. Since 2014 when sales began in Colorado and Washington, legalization policies have provided states a new revenue stream to bolster budgets …

KSE: Kyiv School of Economics

#LeaveRussia: Number of foreign banks in Russia by countries, profit and their assets. Methodology: Most of companies (even if they are not a public ones) prepare few types of reporting, …

IEA: International Energy Agency · 28 May 2024

Sports Utility Vehicles (SUVs) are setting new sales records each year – and so are their emissions. SUVs, large, heavy, passenger vehicles, were responsible for over 20% of the growth …