PH.318.623. Social Policy for Vulnerable Populations in the U.S.

User icon Heather Dray
16 May 2024
6 items

This list provides MPH students at Johns Hopkins with examples of real-world policy implemented to improve health and social outcomes in specific vulnerable populations in the United States.

113 items

The Center was founded in 1998 by D.A. Henderson as the first nongovernment organization to study the vulnerability of the US civilian population to biological weapons and how to prevent, …

232 items

The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) is the oldest child welfare organization in the United States. The organization's primary objective is to "Make Children a National Priority. CWLA is …

5 items

The Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health was created in 2022 with the merger of the the Johns Hopkins Center …